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Dog Training

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If you’re looking for specialised dog training in Auckland,

Dogs Unleashed can help! Our expert dog trainer, Reuben, is fully qualified in canine behaviour and has an incredible amount of experience working with dogs of all ages, breeds, and temperaments. We offer an array of different training sessions all throughout Auckland to promote obedience, build your pup’s confidence, and strengthen your bond.

Puppy Training

Welcoming a new puppy into your family is an exciting time for everyone involved, but that doesn’t mean there’s no hard work! Teaching your new friend how to become a well-mannered and confident pup can take time, effort, and patience, so if you find yourself needing a little help, we understand! 

That’s why we offer puppy training sessions so you can begin your life together on the right foot (or paw!) with our expert training tips, tools, and techniques. We’ll equip you with the advice and encouragement you need to train your dog and foster a lifelong bond with them right from the start.

Behavioural Training

Whether your dog skipped out on puppy school or simply entered your world a little later in their life, we believe it’s never too late to teach an old dog new tricks! No matter what age your dog may be, training can be an essential step in growing their confidence and providing them with much-needed mental stimulation. 

If you’re looking to encourage good behaviour in your dog while strengthening your bond and solidifying your place as pack leader, get in touch with our team today!

Reactive Dog Training

Sometimes, our dogs can lose their confidence and start displaying fearful, reactive, and even aggressive behaviours. This can occur for any number of reasons, and it can be overwhelming for both you and your dog. While it can feel incredibly daunting, it is possible to overcome these setbacks, and we’re here to give you the support you both need to get back on track. 

We work with dogs of all sizes, ages, and breeds to help pinpoint the root cause of their behaviour and eliminate any reactivity or aggression they may be displaying.

Dog Behaviour Advice Line

If you’re located outside of Auckland or simply require a couple of pointers to keep your dog’s training on course, our affordable behaviour advice line is the ultimate solution. You can chat with our qualified trainer via telephone or video call to receive the knowledge and advice you and your dog need to continue their training with ease.

Let’s Cut to the Chase! 

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